This little fella lives in most part of the U.S. except the Rocky Mountains. He lives near ponds and lakes, and eats all sort of bugs and minnows. He's got a snazzy black cap and a red eye. What a handsome guy!
The black crown-ed night heron was probably the first bird that I was able it identify that I had never seen or heard of before. I saw one flying overhead, and grabbed my bird guide. It looked to me like some sort of black and white heron, but I wasn't sure if such a thing existed. Sure enough, it does. I felt so happy to have identified my first bird all by myself. I happened to be on the phone with Micky Hervitz, and I started excitedly talking about how I saw a night heron. Incidentally, I had completely lost my voice the night before from a lot of trying to talk over loud music, and he couldn't understand a word I said.
1 comment:
We have a black-crowned night heron on the Gowanus Canal! Come canoe with us and maybe you'll get a glimpse!
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